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MHOA Mentorship Program launch
Mentee application due Friday, September 20th
We are excited to announce a successful pilot year of the MHOA Mentorship Program. Both mentors and mentees gained valuable insights and experiences, greatly supporting the career development of our mentees.
As we look ahead, we are using lessons learned to launch the 2024-2025 Mentorship Program, which will commence soon. To ensure meaningful mentor-mentee matches, the mentorship program will implement a participatory application process, which will consider the professional interests, goals, backgrounds, and geographic regions of mentors and mentees. Once matched, mentors and mentees will engage in a series of ongoing, monthly conversations over the course of the program. These conversations will serve as the cornerstone of the mentoring relationship, providing a platform for open communication, guidance, and knowledge-sharing between mentors and mentees. We are seeking dedicated participants for the upcoming year:
We are looking for individuals who:
- New to the public health field
- Want to move up and be mentored by someone in a position they want to learn
- Have specific career goals and needs they wish to address and grow in their current role
- Are completing their final year of a degree program in a public health-related field
- Mentors and Mentees must be willing and able to commit to a 8-month mentoring relationship.
- Ability to meet in person for Mentorship planned event/meeting
Attention Mentees: Applications have officially opened!
Please fill out Mentorship Application on the mentorship website below and email to
We look forward to your participation and to another successful year of mentorship and professional growth.
If you are interested in becoming a Mentee, questions may be directed to Dawn Sibor at